This guy is wondering if insurance will cover his girlfriends abortion

Maybe your finances are already tight – and then your girlfriend shares the news of an unplanned pregnancy. We know how stressful this time can feel, but you are not alone. Here is what to know about abortion costs and insurance coverage for your girlfriend.

Find support for you and your girlfriend today at Metro Women’s Center. If your partner needs help confirming her pregnancy – we offer no-cost pregnancy tests and ultrasound referrals! This way – she knows how far along she is and what pregnancy options she has.


How much is Abortion in Minnesota?

Are you considering abortion? Once you and your partner have confirmed your pregnancy, you may be thinking about the option of abortion. Abortion is expensive and has serious health risks involved. Abortion costs will vary based on how far along you are, where you live, and what type of insurance you have. 

Typical abortion costs in Minnesota:

  • The Abortion Pill (medication abortion): $350-$700 – This type of abortion is only for women 11 weeks pregnant and under.
  • Surgical Abortion costs:
    -Vacuum Abortion: $600-$1,000

-D&C Abortion: $850-$2,500

-D&E Abortion: $1,500-$2,500

It’s important to note that these costs above don’t include the costs of appointments needed before and after abortion. There also may be medical costs needed if any complications were to arise.

Will My Insurance pay for my Girlfriend’s Abortion?

Most likely, insurance will not cover the cost of an abortion. Insurance providers normally only cover your partner if you are legally married. This would mean you would have to pay for your girlfriend’s abortion out-of-pocket if she has no coverage of her own. Talk to your insurance provider to be sure and learn what kind of coverage you have. They should be able to answer any questions you have about specific coverage for your girlfriend if any.

First, Confirm Your Pregnancy

Before moving ahead with any pregnancy decision, you will first need to confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality grade pregnancy test and an ultrasound. At Metro Women’s Center, we offer free and confidential pregnancy confirmation services! 

Even if you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, we still recommend coming in for one of our free lab-quality tests. Our pregnancy tests are normally more accurate. Plus, we can help make sure you follow the directions correctly and take the test at the correct time.

Schedule your appointment today to get started. We are here to support you and help answer any questions you may have about your pregnancy and your options.

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