Have you thought about adoption?

The reality of your unexpected pregnancy is starting to sink in, and it’s time to consider your options seriously. Depending on your current life situation, finances, age, or relationships, adoption could be a loving option for you and your child.

Is adoption right for you?

As both of your other pregnancy options, adoption is not an easy decision to make. It requires a great deal of courage and self-sacrifice. As you consider adoption, ask yourself these questions:

  • How do I feel about abortion?
  • How do I feel about taking on parenting responsibilities at this point in my life? 
  • Do I want my child to be raised in a way that provides them with stability and security that might be lacking in my situation right now? 
  • Is the idea of being a mother without day-to-day responsibilities appealing?

These are not easy questions to answer, and adoption is not an easy choice to make. Deciding to choose adoption can only happen when you have love and support. We will be there for you.

The adoption process

As the expectant parent, you are the one in charge of the adoption process. You choose the family that will raise your child and creates the type of plan that is right for your future.

For your child, adoption is a lifelong relationship with another set of parents. By choosing this option, you (and the child’s father, if he’s in the picture) do not become any less of a mother and father. You are just choosing to be a different type of parent. This option is not a situation of “shared custody” or “co-parenting.” Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities from the biological parent(s) to the adoptive family.

Making an adoption plan

Most adoptions today are open adoptions. This means the adoptive family and the expectant parent(s) exchange identifying information such as phone numbers, addresses, and emails.

More often than not, the adoptive family is eager to have a relationship with the birth family. They know for everyone involved, it’s important to have that connection.

Any adoption service should always be free to expectant parents. If someone asks you for money, walk away. They are not reputable organizations.

We are here to help

Ultimately, the direction you choose for your unexpected pregnancy is yours to decide.

We are here to listen and to help. Contact Metro Women’s Center and make an appointment to talk with us about your options. We care about you and only want the best for you and your child.

If you would like more information or would like to speak with an agency, we suggest one of these:

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