When should I get an ultrasound?

The best time to have an ultrasound performed is after you’ve had positive pregnancy test results. We offer referrals to no-cost limited OB ultrasounds that can tell you some important information about your pregnancy. This information is vital as you...Continued

How do I know if I am pregnant?

While the best way to determine whether you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test after you’ve missed your period, there are a few common signs and symptoms that are often associated with early pregnancy. Some of these symptoms include:...Continued

I’m pregnant. What are my options?

If you have a positive pregnancy test you may be wondering what’s next. Now is the time to think about the outcome of your pregnancy. If you are unsure of what to do or what you want the outcome to...Continued

How much will my appointment cost?

At Metro Women’s Center, we care about your well-being. That is why all of our services are offered at no cost to you. You do not need to bring any form of payment or proof of insurance to your appointment....Continued

Will anyone find out about my appointment?

We care about your privacy, which is why your appointment with us is completely confidential. Our staff understands that you have the right to tell people about your pregnancy on your time.Continued

Can I purchase the abortion pill online?

Purchasing any type of medication or supplements online is risky, but purchasing the abortion pill online is especially so. It’s important that if you are considering abortion, you learn about your options and how your life would be affected, short-term and...Continued

Can I get an abortion here?

While we provide information and resources on abortion procedures, costs, risks and side effects, we do not perform or refer for abortions. We do, however, serve as a safe place for you to discuss abortion and your other pregnancy options....Continued

What are the signs of an STD?

Unfortunately, many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have no signs or symptoms, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pass them to your partner. If left untreated, many STDs can lead to infertility, organ damage, and worse. No method, including condoms, is...Continued